Monday, July 2, 2012

Iranian Cyber Army with Israel CA  Blue Screen of Death

I attempted to reset my password after receiving an email regarding security breach at Wordpress. I got 14,324 comments - DDoS? It has been pwned for over one year. No biggie.

Now, I was able to login to XP using 4G USB and I took my site out of search and google so I would since I have quite a few enemies in InfoSec when I revoked admin privs to the 21 year old hacker who threatened to unleash Stuxnet at USA and Israel. He runs a site called

He is in Netherlands and works with head security pen tester who runs Operation Aurora: Chinese Hacking and Russian Cybercrime forums (private closed group where they post malicious code and Anti-American propaganda. This is where I encountered NEAL RAUHASER ! Neal all over every newspaper for organizing political smear campaigns such as TwitterGate and Swattergate.

I went to check on Zero Day exploit and this is what downloaded.

The also have a mirror of the FBI DNS tool. That ain't cool! I posted the article about 21 year old "lone" hacker who took down CIA (inside job) and next thing I see on my screen is whole lot of traffic from Iran, Russia and Washington DC. "THIS SITE HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY THE IRANIAN CYBERARMY" Several people sent me tweets and email telling me that they are being intercepted. Easy enough with API or 403 token error. RSA Verisign Comodo Yahoo Hotmail and Google ALL have fake certificates (rootkit) and I have Serial Number 01 country .de (Germany)

When I go to my website it issues a warning "we can not verify the security of this website." or "Someone is trying to impersonate you." duh! The FBI did massive take down of botnets and Homeland Security issued a warning about all this crap two days AFTER the attack. All my contacts are aggregating from and Columbia already got hacked and they ran a DDoS the same week I just happened to meet with George S.

My gut tells me that the person who installed a static IP on my iPhone and Both PCs is part of HBGary. I posted the contract yesterday and issued a PSA about fake personas created online to sway political opinion.

And next thing you know, the PC I used to adjust settings and remove my name and site from search that had The Iranian banner on home page now has Blue Screen of Death.

That makes four PC's rendered useless.

Last note, my iPhone was wiped AGAIN when @NESpower parked outside. I'm know they use in mobile technology for signal interception (I posted that contract online because I got sick of having my service interrupted and blew FOUR transformers last time I "hit" nerve. But, I was right... And that almost laughable because I may be crazy but I'm definitely not stupid. My dad's office gave me the direct number to FBI Headquarters last summer and I offered to surrender my PC so they could reverse engineer the "bug"

They didn't even investigate which leads me to believe they don't want to sacrifice the cyber weapons or expose HB Gary contract since it violates United States Code - and I pointed it out to them. Tennessee has major issues, OakRidge nuclear facility where they tested P1 Stuxnet (developed by Khan in Netherlands) NOTE: The threat issued by "21 year old Iranian" was first posted on and he is in NETHERLANDS. They planning another attack. and I can't do jack because of Social Engineering, people see fake accounts online posting crazy shit that (usually) isn't even me. Granted, I post some alternative media so I can juxtapose the extremists on BOTH sides of the Isle. I do it for a reason. They use the exact same tactics! The FBI Advisory on Operation Ghost Click advises to contact local PD and file report immediately. The Lt. rolled his eyes at me when I told him I need to speak with Computer crimes because anonymous took credit for hacking Metro PD. He dismissed the other issues despite evidence that I had received from the fraud unit. He said, "we're not hacked" and then spelled my name wrong on the police report. FYI- Public Safety Network did go offline. I noticed because I checked and it's pretty sad that this cop has so much invested in his ego that (in my eyes) put public safety at risk just because he doesn't like me.

I have the data points for forensics, but I have been advised that because the lack of follow through by Special Investigations, not to let anybody pressure me into letting big bad cop from SWAT team search my phone without a warrant. So there you have it. Fair warning that I offered to voluntarily surrender my PC for the safety of this god-forsaken city.

One more thing, after @NESpower jammed and wiped my photo apps from my cell I got error message that the security certificate was untrusted. I posted in forum the details of the root\hack the country code is IL (Israel) Good thing I have a Hebrew keyboard installed. Too bad I can't think of anyone in Tennessee who can be trusted with this sensitive data. I will send it to Field Operations Bureau, a former colleague at Vandy Law who knows how serious this is, and Mr. Mayor who already owes me a favor for not blowing the whistle about the way I was treated during not ONCE, but by TWO sting operations with the Crime Suppression Unit. Doesn't even show up on the police crime map or FBI uniform data that just ranked Memphis the 5th worst city to live in. Hard to imagine... So, my PCs are dead, my iPhone is hacked, and I have surgery and mental health to worry about since I can't help the CyberCrimes Unit if they don't want it. And, I am not about to call Metro and expose myself to insults and innuendo from a prick who is more worried about a stupid video than my safety or the people of this community. I will now call the Attorney who just beeped in since THEIR PD and FBI are aggressively investigating several other cases and even though my own PD doesn't give a fuck -- at least I care enough to send the information to the DA for corroboration. This is my only appeal. And personally I really don't care if you investigate or not. I'm planning to get the hell out of here, and I'm pretty sure you will be happy to me go.

B'bye Nashville, Wake me up when September ends.

"Anonymous" (the police have me in "do not respond" file.) Pathetic.



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