Friday, August 24, 2012

What Are the Different Compulsive Lying Treatments?

What Are the Different Compulsive Lying Treatments?

Choosing the right treatment for compulsive lying, or mythomania, can depend on the underlying cause of the problem. In all cases, it is important for the sufferer to recognize that he or she has a problem and voluntarily seek help to stop it, a step that can be a significant obstacle. Once that has been accomplished, the person should typically be evaluated to see if the lying is a symptom of another mental illness, which may require treatment with medication. Most compulsive lying treatments involve some form of counseling or psychotherapy to address any psychological issues contributing to the problem. Behavioral modification techniques, such as having the patient practice telling the truth, are also often used.

The first step in all types of compulsive lying treatments is getting the patient to admit that something is wrong. This is usually quite difficult because some patients may not even recognize that they have a problem, or doing so may be too frightening or difficult because it can be damaging to their self-esteem or take away one of their few coping mechanisms. It is a very important step, however, as the person has to be committed to changing his or her behavior for treatment to be successful.

If a person's compulsive lying is determined to be the result of another psychological condition or illness, medication may be a necessary part of treatment. For example, children with disorders that affect their social interactions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and adults with conditions that cause delusions or mania, such as bipolar, may lie compulsively as a result. A psychiatrist may be able to diagnose these conditions and prescribe medication to help.

Whether medication is necessary or not, almost all compulsive lying treatments include some form of counseling or therapy. This can help the patient and the doctor address any psychological issues such as low self-esteem or other contributing factors like alcohol or drug addiction. It can also help the patient become more comfortable with accepting that he or she needs to change.

Another of the compulsive lying treatments that is usually very important for a patient to overcome his or her problem is the use of behavior modification techniques. This typically involves practicing telling the truth during counseling sessions with a therapist. It also usually involves the therapist giving the patient assignments to accomplish in his or her everyday life, like telling the truth a certain number of times in a day.

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