Why I am UnFollowing Everyone On Twitter
blog.sergeys.us | Aug 29th 2012I would rather have quality over quantity on my Twitter account.
Thank you to everyone who have retweeted my tweets, who have had many 140 character at a time conversations with me. I would love to stay in touch with each and everyone of you who is active.
I am following over 60k people on Twitter and have about 59k followers. My Direct Message box is so full of SPAM asking me to buy something, visit some site and other junk. My timeline is at a point that I cant read any tweets as they go by so fast – over 60 per second. I am also loosing track of actual people I want to interact with.
When I first signed up for a Twitter account I decided to follow everyone who followed me as well as actively following other profiles who enjoyed photography. I met and had actual conversation with so many wonderful people on Twitter and have to admit that I am addicted to it. Following so many users was my mistake and is not supportable or manageable.
Fast forward to today…. my main Twitter account is @SergeySus
I started searching on the Web for articles about ways to manage large accounts and how to keep inactive users and spammers from interfering with my experience.
I found out that about 10% of people I follow have outdated or abandoned accounts which equals to 6k people! 2% or 1200 users about are users who have not used Twitter in over 2 years. Sounds crazy!!!! and impossible to manage.
I spent 6 hours manually going through and deleting users who have not been active. I was able to delete less then 500 of them…. This is not something I can fix! I’ve tried a few sites which help with these problems and its still quite a chore and very time consuming.
I decided that I will unfollow everyone that I have been following and will only follow users who have something useful to contribute to photography, whose tweets interest me and friends I made. If I unfollow you and we are friends – let me know! I would hate to loose you….
I am on many other social networks and would rather keep my open social life quality at the highest level!
[update Aug 28th, 2012]
I used @TwitCleaner to check the users I follow and this is the result. Crazy!!!:
Original Page: http://blog.sergeys.us/why-i-am-unfollowing-everyone-on-twitter
Shared from Read It Later
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