Thursday, August 23, 2012

Parents: Do Your Kids Use Their Mobile Devices to Cheat At School?

Parents: Do Your Kids Use Their Mobile Devices to Cheat At School?

by Kate Freeman,
August 23rd 2012

Some students use their mobile phone for more than texting with friends or playing games.

According to McAfee’s 2012 Teen Internet Behavior Study, only 23% of parents expressed concern about their teen cheated in school by going online, yet nearly half of all teens (48%) admit they’ve looked up answers to a test or assignment online. Twenty-two percent of teens said they cheated specifically on a test via online or mobile phone, while only 5% of parents believed their children did this.

SEE ALSO: 5 Android Apps for Your Straight-A Student

The study also found:

  • 15.8% of teens have admitted to cheating on a test by looking up answers on their phone. Only 3.2% of parents thought their teens cheated this way.
  • 14.1% of teens admitted to looking up how to cheat on a test online.
  • Overall, 77.2% of parents said they were not worried about their teens cheating online.

Another recent study showed parents might underestimated how much their children want tech gadgets. In fact, devices on many kids’ back-to-school lists this year.

But despite the admitted cheating on tests in this latest survey, tech does a lot of good for your kids. Technology in the classroom helps enhance childrens’ learning experiences and apps that combine both learning and entertainment can keep your children engaged for hours.

Do you think cheating by using a mobile device is a big problem at school? Tell us in the comments.

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, sjlocke

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