Friday, August 24, 2012

Kentucky Cops Detain Man for "Suspicion of Terrorist Activity" for Video Recording Police

Kentucky Cops Detain Man For "Suspicion of Terrorist Activity" for Video Recording Police Station

by Carlos Miller,
August 10th 2012

See Video:

Police in Kentucky detained a man for “suspicion of terrorist activity” after he supposedly video recorded a police station.

He never admitted to video recording the building but he did record the encounter with two cops.

Not that it really matters because video recording the police department from public is not a crime.

But the man who goes by Zack Skull on Youtube was telling the cops that he was only reading his emails on his iPhone when they approached him.

Then they spent the next few minutes debating whether or not he was telling the truth about that.

The incident took place June 14, 2012 in Hopkinsville, which has a population of just over 31,000.

One of the cops brought up 9/11 for the detainment.

Please send stories, tips and videos to


I am immersed in a legal case where I not only want to clear my criminal charges stemming from my arrest in January, but I want to sue the Miami-Dade Police Department for deleting my footage, which I was able to recover.

My goal is to set some type of precedent to ensure this does not happen as often as it does today where cops simply get away with it.

So if you would like to contribute, please click on the "donate" button below and contribute whatever you can afford.

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Hair Transplant

Also, in an unrelated PINAC matter, I recently went through a hair transplant operation and I'm documenting my recovery on this blog if you are interested. I did not pay for this transplant, which is why I'm promoting the doctor through the hair transplant blog.

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