Sunday, August 26, 2012


ALGORITHMS : SERIAL | Nov 30th -0001

DigitalPersona U.are.U SDKs offer interoperability for biometric apps

DigitalPersona's work in biometrically-enabled authentication and access management solutions has resulted in the launch of its U.are.U Software Development Kits. The new SDKs are said to meet developer requirements for interoperable standards-based development tools. As such, they are targeted at developers working to add fingerprint biometrics into a variety of civil ID and commercial applications.

Reports suggest that governmental interest in biometrics as a portable form of identification is growing in emerging countries.

NOTE: To guarantee quality and interoperability, these countries are embracing established standards and certifications from the International Standards Organization and United States government agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the American National Standards Institute.

The new DigitalPersona U.are.U SDKs offer support for standards defined by these agencies, such as the ISO 19794-4 fingerprint image standard, ANSI/INCITS 381-2009 data interchange format, Minex Feature Extractor Certification, Wavelet Scalar Quantization (WSQ), and NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NIFQ).

"Our U.are.U SDKs have a track record of being effective tools for system integrators developing biometrically-enabled civil ID and commercial applications," said Chris Trytten, director of biometrics product management at DigitalPersona.

"The market is maturing and customers are looking for a new approach that is standard based, forward thinking, and secure. The launch of our next-generation family of U.are.U SDKs gives system integrators the interoperability, quality, and ease of integration they need to ensure their voting, entitlement, and commercial applications operate without fraud."

The new DigitalPersona SDKs include the U.are.U SDK 2.1.1 for Windows, Linux, and Windows CE. Along with support for verification use cases, the U.are.U SDKs offer native implementation of 1:N identification. They also support ARM architectures, allowing DigitalPersona U.are.U 4500 fingerprint readers to be integrated into embedded CE and Linux applications with smaller form factors.

Vendor Spin or True Development?

In his June 2011 post "Democracy and Development: The Spread of Biometric Voter Rolls" Alan Gelb wrote the following: "The application of biometrics to promote development and democratization is proceeding rapidly in the developing world — and largely below the radar of the media and development experts in high-income countries. Monitoring press releases on biometrics with the help of a news Google alert, I've been struck by the astonishing spread of this technology for use in voter registration in developing countries… Nepal, Zambia, Ghana, to name just three ongoing cases."

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