Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bring Your Own Device | The White House

A Busy Week in Federal IT: Here’s What You May Have Missed

m.nextgov.com | Aug 24th 2012

With the induction of 18 “badass innovators” into government service, the planning for a few dozen new government APIs and an unexpected flare up with the conservative blogosphere, this has been a busy week for the federal IT crowd.

Here are a few things that would have been significant news any other week may have slipped by if you weren’t paying close attention:

  • A how-to and case studies on bring-your-own-device policies for agencies from Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel’s office.
  • A list of digital metrics for agencies to evaluate the performance of their websites, mobile applications and social media accounts from the General Services Administration’s HowTo.gov team.
  • And further guidance from VanRoekel’s office on how to manage and evaluate programs under the federal digital strategy.

Oh, and remember that economic statistics mobile app the U.S. Census Bureau released Aug. 9? VanRoekel says the API that streams out the app’s underlying data has been accessed by more than 800 external developers since its launch.

“As an indication of how valuable and accessible this data is,” he said, “it took only 24 hours for the first third-party app to be developed.”

Original Page: http://m.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/emerging-tech-blog/2012/08/busy-week-federal-it-heres-what-you-may-have-missed/57656/

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