Tuesday, August 28, 2012

API Spotlight: Twitter Trends, Face Detection and the Census

API Spotlight: Twitter Trends, Face Detection and the Census

by Adam DuVander, blog.programmableweb.com
July 27th 2012

Of the many APIs we published this week, eight were highlighted on the blog by our team of writers. In this post, we’ll shine a spotlight on those five, which included the LambdaLabs Face API for facial detection, which takes up where the Face.com API left off. We said it’s a great first release, but needs to add face recognition in addition to detection. That feature is coming soon. Read more in the LambdaLabs Face API post or check out the LambdaLabs Face API profile.

The US government is extending its open data promise with the latest US Census Bureau API. Like any good API launch, there are example census apps already. The API provides detailed statistics from the 2010 census, as well as results from the American Community Survey. Read more in the US Census Bureau API post or check out the US Census Bureau API profile.

The Twirus API is one of 102 Twitter-derived APIs. Twirus focuses on Twitter Trends. We wrote that the part of the world that doesn’t speak English will especially find useful the service’s language-specific Twitter trends. The trends on Twitter can help end users keep up on what’s new. Read more in our Twirus API post or check out our Twirus API profile.

If you’re looking for B2B personalization, you’ll want to check out the Demandbase API. In our overview, we wrote that the use cases for real-time personalization are endless. Though it sounds creepy, Demandbase uses IP addresses, so there aren’t the same privacy concerns as there would be with cookies, for example. Read more in our Demandbase API post or check out the Demandbase API profile.

An API for extended warranties? The Warranty Life API provides just that. The company says it is the first API for the warranty industry, which apparently is a $30 Billion market. That’s a lot of potential broken TVs. Read more in our Warranty Life API post or check out our Warranty Life API profile.

From the first employee behind the Twilio API comes a new tool for “customer acquisition as a service.” The Referly API helps reward brand champions with money for referring new customers. The platform launched this week with over 1,000 brands. Read more in our Referly API post or check out the Referly API profile.

Mapping APIs are still a popular category of our directory, which is why we keep seeing new location platforms like the Localscope API. We wrote that the app aggregates local information to provide tools for discovering what’s nearby. Read more in our Localscope API post or check out our Localscope API profile.

If you’re puttering around a park, you might as well play disc golf. There are nearly 4,000 courses available in the Disc Golf Course Review API. In addition to reviews, there’s a lot of meta-data available, such as course style, playing conditions and difficulty level. We wrote that the service is currently in beta testing, with a low rate limit. Upon full release, the plan is to charge for the API. Read more in the Disc Golf Course Review API post or check out our Disc Golf Course Review API profile

Original Page: http://blog.programmableweb.com/2012/07/27/api-spotlight-twitter-trends-face-detection-and-the-census/

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